The Federal Council elected Remo Daguati to the Council for Spatial Planning (CSP) at its meeting on November 22, 2023. The location specialist will bring his many years of experience in the transformation of development areas into the council.
The Council for Spatial Planning is a permanent extra-parliamentary commission. It makes recommendations on fundamental questions of the country's spatial development with an impact on Switzerland's spatial concept. The CSP advises the Federal Council and the federal agencies responsible for regional policy and spatial development. These are in particular the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE). Remo Daguati was elected for the 2024-2027 term.
Introduce Swiss-wide trends
Commitment to the national interface of spatial development and regional funding requires broad connections. Daguati already chairs the Swiss network of investment promotion agencies (SVSM) and is an advisory board member of the biggest national real estate network Swiss Circle. He also works as a lecturer at the University of Applied Science of Berne as well as the University of Applied Science of Nordwestern-Switzerland on the topics of area development and investment promotion. "Since I advise locations nationally and internationally with my company, I can bring trends and developments directly into this important committee for the spatial development of our country," says Daguati.
Commitment to non-profit housing construction
As president of the Russian Housing Foundation, Remo Daguati is committed to affordable, innovative living space. In cooperation with the St.Galler Stadtwerke, the foundation tests and optimizes new energy and storage systems in a real-world laboratory. “New approaches to providing attractive, quickly available living space are in greater demand than ever before,” says Daguati. This wealth of experience will certainly also be helpful when working in the CSP.
Investment promotion and real estate development
With his company LOC AG, based in Zurich, Remo Daguati develops investment promotion strategies for countries, regions and cities as well as key areas in german speaking Europe. For the period 2024 - 2027 he will serve in the Federal Council's Council for Spatial Planning.
Information about the Council for Spatial Planning: